Media Guide
The resources on this page are designed to assist news media in developing stories and gathering information.
The resources on this page are designed to assist news media in developing stories and gathering information.
To submit a request or view previous requests, visit the City’s public records web portal.
Copies of current and past City Council meeting agendas and minutes are available through the City Clerk's Office.
The Open Data Portal provides users with easy access to data from the City of Virginia Beach. A number of data sets are freely available to download in a variety of formats. Visit the Open Data Portal to learn more.
The Special Events Office in the Convention & Visitor's Bureau is responsible for providing event permits. Staff will assist with schedule and approval (if needed) by other City departments to ensure a safe and smooth event process.
The City's logo, commonly called the VB wave, and the City Seal are the property of the City of Virginia Beach. Please review the City's branding guidelines for appropriate use. To request a copy of the logo or if you have questions about its use, please contact brand@vbgov.com.