Rudee Loop
Situated at the south end of the Resort Area adjacent to Rudee Inlet, Rudee Loop is one of the most desirable plots of undeveloped land on the eastern seaboard.
Situated at the south end of the Resort Area adjacent to Rudee Inlet, Rudee Loop is one of the most desirable plots of undeveloped land on the eastern seaboard.
The City is reviewing submissions to the Request for Qualifications for a consultant team with qualified national or international experience developing iconic park spaces. A parking garage structure may be incorporated into the project and will be explored during the concept planning phase.
Here is a timeline of City actions regarding this plot.
The City Council adopted the revised FY2024-25 Budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) on May 14, which includes $60 million supported by the Tourism Investment Program (TIP) Fund for Rudee Loop Park development.
The city manager’s proposed FY24-25 budget presented to City Council on March 19 included $60 million supported by the Tourism Investment Program (TIP) Fund for the Rudee Loop Park Development. Learn more about the proposed budget or provide comments on the proposed budget through April 24, 2024.
A Request for Qualifications was released Jan. 4, 2024, and closed Feb. 23, 2024, for solicitation of a consultant team with qualified national or international experience developing iconic park spaces. The selection review committee is currently reviewing, scoring and selecting the top three firms for interviews.
At its Nov. 14 meeting, City Council adopted an ordinance establishing Capital Project #100667 and transferred $4 million from the Tourism Investment Program (TIP) Fund as Pay-As-You-Go funding for the procurement of design services.
Michael Kirschman, director of the City of Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation, presented a recommendation for a Request for Qualifications, or RFQ, procurement action at the Oct. 17, City Council Briefing. The City Council requested that a resolution be brought forward to advance the RFQ, which would establish a pool of qualified bidders. Once the resolution is written and sent to City Council, it will be open for public comment, then Council will vote on it.
Following a status briefing from Planning Director Kathy Warren on Aug. 15, 2023, and discussion at the Retreat, City Council directed staff to cancel the Request for Information and Ideas (RFII) and asked the city manager to develop a recommendation for a Request for Qualifications procurement action.
This would identify and hire an established park design consultant team to assist with moving the project forward. A timeline for that process is currently being developed.
City Staff and WPA briefed City Council on the results of the community engagement. City Council requested that a workshop be scheduled in late summer of 2023 to discuss funding/operational models, such as a conservancy.
City Council was briefed on the four proposals submitted:
City Council requested that residents be provided an opportunity to provide their comments and input on the proposals. City staff partnered with Work Program Architects (WPA) and conducted community outreach that included the following opportunities for the public to participate:
City of Virginia Beach and the Virginia Beach Development Authority issued a Request for Information and Ideas, or RFFI, soliciting proposal on how the parcels owned by the City and VBDA might be developed.
Virginia Beach residents identified green space as a top priority in the 2019 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan update.
If you have any questions concerning the community engagement on this issue, please contact Nancy Bloom at or (757) 385-6279.